As any self-respecting Minecraft player knows, jungles are REALLY hard to build in, so most people just be lazy and build a tree house. It is possible, though, to build a jungle house on the ground. I have taught my friend Zach how to build a nice and simple jungle house, and his is the one we will be using for a model.
Part 1:
Step 1: Frame
The frame is one of the most important part of the house. It defines the structure of the house. A good frame is made of logs of any type, though my personal favorite is spruce. Just place logs where you want the corners of the house to go, and connect them with different logs of your choice. The logs should go up 4 blocks, and then you place a wooden planks block on top before placing another 4 logs on top of that.
Step 2:Floor 1
This is simple. just place jungle logs on the first layer, and the rest of the layers are jungle planks. Windows should be made out of glass panes, and surrounded by spruce logs.
Step 3: Midsection
Place upside-down stairs connecting the spruce planks.
Step 4: Floor 2
Put this floor on top of the midsection. Aside from that, it's pretty much the same as floor 1.
Part 2:
Step 1: Stairs
This is the roof, the most tedious part of housebuilding. For layer one, place stairs wrapping the top of your house. Layer 2, 3, and 4 are also stairs, each one going in by one block.
Step 2: Slabs
Place a slab on the inside of layer 4 to make layer 5. Place slabs in the same way you placed stairs, in and up one, for layers 6 and 7. On 7, fill the roof in. You are now done building your jungle house! Anyways, I hope you like trees!
I am sorry, but I have had to delete the previous post about the Tech Challenge, because it contained information about my design that could possibly lead to people copying it. I hope you understand! πΈ
Hello everyone! I have not posted in a while because I had a cold, so I thought that I should write something extra cool! So today I have gathered some of the coolest technology that I could find.πΈ And here it is!
#6: Maglev
Maglev technology was first used in the Maglev Trains, a new type of train that uses Magnetic Levitation to propel itself at speeds possibly faster than a plane. I decided on an image to show you how it works.
The fact that it is levitating makes it so there is no friction, thus almost nothing to slow it down. This makes the Maglev Train one of the fastest trains out there. I am relying on this idea to make hoverboards in the future. ================================================================== #5: 3D Printers
3D printers are useful things, in the way that they can make just about anything out of plastic. I, sadly, don't have one.πΏ A 3D printer builds an object by printing it from the bottom up, layer by layer, effectively turning a 3D object into lots of 2D layers. ================================================================== #4: Cloning
Taking a slightly morbid turn, cloning is the process of duplicating genetic code in a life form. (Imagines clone army) Heh heh heh... πΎ πΌπΌπΌπΌπΌπΌπΌ It is currently used to clone dogs for sad dog owners with dead dogs, but in the future might be used to clone humans. We could have a whole clone generation! Actually, that would be a bit creepy. ==================================================================
#3: Laser Keyboards
Coming close to holograms, these laser keyboards look like something out of a movie. I wrote a blog post on them, check it out! A lazer keyboard?
Virtual Reality Headsets are something everyone wants, the gaming device of the Future! Once again, this is a cool technology item that I do not have.πΏ Basically, they are headsets that you put over your eyes so you can see whatever game you have loaded into them. It looks like you are inside the game!πΊ It is usually accompanied by two controllers that tell the game where your hands are. Complex stuff.