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Thursday, May 18, 2017

I joined the Boy Scouts??!!

Hello! I am sorry that it has been so long! like what, a month now? So  the reason it has taken so long is because I have been busy with TWO robotics competitions! I was in the tech challenge with the Hamster Wheel, and in the MATE ROV competition with the Sea Raven. Unfortunately, my team lost both challenges.😿  Apart from the challenges, I joined the Boy Scouts! I did this because, aside from the camping and the badges, I think it will help me become a better person (Not saying I wasn't awesome before, I just think being a Boy Scout would be nice). So far, I would rate the experience a 9.5 out of 10. I have my own scout book, and scout neckerchief, and scout troop number, it is AWESOME! I have made some friends and learned the scout oath and motto, and I would highly suggest joining. I would tell you what troop number I am, but that would be a clue to my location. So anyway, I hope you like knots!

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