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Thursday, October 12, 2017

I'm back!

Hey everyone! I have been away from this blog for so long that I decided to post something just to let you know that I am alive!😸 I am a bit short on ideas right now, so can you comment some ideas below? (If there is no good ideas, that I will just post something about customizing nerf guns or binder-clip launchers.) Anyways, I hope you like (Insert Here)!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

An emoji tells a thousand words (Emoji art)

                                               ----|----                                                        ----|----
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What do you think this scene depicts? Leave your answer as a comment below!

I wrote a book?!

Hi everyone! Once again, it has taken me a whole month to think of something to post about! Sorry for the wait...😿 So I was thinking, "Maybe they would like to  hear about the book I wrote!" The book is called Travel Log: Leviathan 8, and it is about my heroic adventures as the (cyborg) captain of a huge Leviathan. I travel around the world learning about the local cultures, and even fight an evil villain or two. As well as being educational, it is very exiting. I am thinking about publishing it very soon, so keep a look out for it is stores. There is also another book I'm writing, but it isn't finished yet and probably will take a long time to complete. Also, I'm going to have my birthday soon. I hope you like Vlogs!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

I joined the Boy Scouts??!!

Hello! I am sorry that it has been so long! like what, a month now? So  the reason it has taken so long is because I have been busy with TWO robotics competitions! I was in the tech challenge with the Hamster Wheel, and in the MATE ROV competition with the Sea Raven. Unfortunately, my team lost both challenges.😿  Apart from the challenges, I joined the Boy Scouts! I did this because, aside from the camping and the badges, I think it will help me become a better person (Not saying I wasn't awesome before, I just think being a Boy Scout would be nice). So far, I would rate the experience a 9.5 out of 10. I have my own scout book, and scout neckerchief, and scout troop number, it is AWESOME! I have made some friends and learned the scout oath and motto, and I would highly suggest joining. I would tell you what troop number I am, but that would be a clue to my location. So anyway, I hope you like knots!

Monday, April 10, 2017

I have a YouTube channel?

Hi everyone! You remember my post where i said that you would have to wait a long time before I show you my face? Well, I decided that I should do it sooner and start a Vlog! 😸  Also, all the pictures on this blog have been taken by my dad's iPhone. So anyways, here is my channel: I hope you like sand!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Minecraft How To: Jungle House!

As any self-respecting Minecraft player knows, jungles are REALLY hard to build in, so most people just be lazy and build a tree house. It is possible, though, to build a jungle house on the ground. I have taught my friend Zach how to build a nice and simple jungle house, and his is the one we will be using for a model.
Part 1:
    Step 1: Frame
The frame is one of the most important part of the house. It defines the structure of the house. A good frame is made of logs of any type, though my personal favorite is spruce. Just place logs where you want the corners of the house to go, and connect them with different logs of your choice. The logs should go up 4 blocks, and then you place a wooden planks block on top before placing another 4 logs on top of that.
    Step 2: Floor 1
This is simple. just place jungle logs on the first layer, and the rest of the layers are jungle planks. Windows should be made out of glass panes, and surrounded by spruce logs.

    Step 3: Midsection
Place upside-down stairs connecting the spruce planks.

    Step 4: Floor 2
Put this floor on top of the midsection. Aside from that, it's pretty much the same as floor 1.

Part 2:
    Step 1: Stairs
This is the roof, the most tedious part of housebuilding. For layer one, place stairs wrapping the top of your house. Layer 2, 3, and 4 are also stairs, each one going in by one block.

    Step 2: Slabs
Place a slab on the inside of layer 4 to make layer 5. Place slabs in the same way you placed stairs, in and up one, for  layers 6 and 7. On 7, fill the roof in. You are now done building your jungle house! Anyways, I hope you like trees!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Sorry Everyone ;)

I am sorry, but I have had to delete the previous post about the Tech Challenge, because it contained information about my design that could possibly lead to people copying it. I hope you understand! 😸