Search for cool stuff!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Beach trip!

Hi everyone! yesterday i went on a beach trip and found some cool stuff. Luckily i had a phone so i was able to take pictures to share with you guys! and here they are:

This is a really well timed photo of some beach sludge in an overhang! the overhang was probably carved out by water.💧

Some graffiti artists are so good at art, you would think they would be smart enough to know that graffiti is illegal. I think it's a dolphin.

A really cool cave! i wanted to go into it, but it looks kind of damp. Kind of like a zombie hangout.💀

Anyway, those are some of the photos i took on the beach trip! there is more photos, but i could not fit them into this blog so i will be putting them on twitter. Anyway, i hope you like sandstone!

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