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Saturday, December 31, 2016

How To: Party Hat!

Hello Everyone! Today i will be showing you how to make a Party Hat, and just in time for the new years eve party!πŸŽ‰ You have probably been waiting for another one of my how to posts, so here it is!😸 (Also, i made it so it is easier to subscribe. now you can subscribe by email!)

To start out, you will need the following materials: Construction paper in two colors, a hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, pompoms, and 3 or 4 pipe cleaners. (Feel free to substitute the construction paper for a party hat template and some foam.)
Step one: Roll the construction paper up like this, and then proceed to glue as necessary.

Step two: Cut the excess paper so that the hat fits your head.✂

Step three: Cut spots out of construction paper or foam and then glue then on. You can make a pattern with the spots or just lay them willy nilly.

Step four: You are almost done!πŸŽ‰ Now all you have to do is add the pompom on the top and some pipe cleaners for the strap!😺

There! Now you can wear the hat to the party, and have a unique hat! Anyway, i hope you like candy!

(Sorry for the glare, my blinds are malfunctioning.)

Friday, December 30, 2016

The Truth?

Now, i know there are those of you who want to see what i look like in real life. Some of you, who i know in real life, already know what i look like. Now i didn't want to leave anybody out, so i have this picture to reveal the truth.😼
I know you may be wondering, why is there a mask over my face. That is because i am worried about security. Eventually you will see my real face, like say in five or six years time, and then i will tell the whole truth. but for now, lets just keep the mask over my face, ok? I entirely trust all of you, but i am worried about hackers who might find me and steal my blog. So i am doing this for the sake of the blog. I hope you understand. Anyway, i hope you like programming!

(ps. i had a very busy day yesterday so i did not have the time to write a review on gmod. sorry!😺)

Saturday, December 24, 2016

How To: Xmas Card Making!

Hi everyone! Today i am going to show you a step-by-step how to on making Xmas cards! Let's start with the materials. You will need: Red Construction Paper, Green Construction Paper, a Hot Glue Gun, Hot Glue Sticks, a Copper or Gold Metallic Marker, and Scissors.

Once you have got all of the materials, you may now proceed to cut the paper into strips.

If you have something like this, take a red or green strip. Take strips of the opposite color and line them up against the strip like this:

Once you have that, you can continue weaving the strips together like this, adding glue when necessary,

until you get this masterpiece!

Once you do, you can add whatever you like, or do a simple thing like this:

And that's it! Thanks for checking out my blog, and Merry Christmas! Anyways, i hope you like presents!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Website Revew

Hi! today i was asked to check out a website. It looks like a website in development but it is still pretty good. It seems like a music website and has a lot of music on an album for 7 dollars. I listened to the music and it is really good music, if slightly slow. The album is called Irrational Exuberance and has lots of really nice inspirational songs on it. in the future i hope to see more albums on it, and maybe a little bit more decoration. I give it three stars!⭐⭐⭐ Anyways, i hope you like music!

Here is a link to the website:

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Beach trip!

Hi everyone! yesterday i went on a beach trip and found some cool stuff. Luckily i had a phone so i was able to take pictures to share with you guys! and here they are:

This is a really well timed photo of some beach sludge in an overhang! the overhang was probably carved out by water.πŸ’§

Some graffiti artists are so good at art, you would think they would be smart enough to know that graffiti is illegal. I think it's a dolphin.

A really cool cave! i wanted to go into it, but it looks kind of damp. Kind of like a zombie hangout.πŸ’€

Anyway, those are some of the photos i took on the beach trip! there is more photos, but i could not fit them into this blog so i will be putting them on twitter. Anyway, i hope you like sandstone!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

How to: Melting Colors sketch

Hey guys! today i will be showing you how to draw a little warmup sketch i call Melting Colors. For this project you will need the following: 1 Eraser, 1 Pencil Sharpener, 1 4B Pencil, and 1 3H Pencil.
Once you have gathered those materials you can make the project. I have selected the three sections of this project: BLUE, GREEN, and ORANGE.

First, you start with BLUE. This one does not require much shading, just a little on the edge. Start by drawing the drip marks with the 4B pencil. You can then add shading and details using the 3H. Now we move on to GREEN. This one requires medium shading with the edge of the 3H all around to make this section darker then BLUE. You can then add more shading around the edges of the drip marks. Now we can finish up with ORANGE. This is the bottom layer. Do not draw any major drip marks on this one, just some detail drips. You can then shade the whole thing in really dark with the 3H pencil. once you have that done, your drawing should look something like this:
If it does, then you are now warmed up for drawing! at this point, i recommend drawing a christmas tree or something. anyway, i hope you like pencils!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Bad cold

Hi! today i am going to tell you about the WORST cold i have ever had.😷
Like all other colds, it started with a sniffy nose. I didn't suspect anything at first, but on the next day i had a sore throat and a sneeze. Throughout the day, my sore throat got worse until i could not speak or it would hurt. On the day after that, i was able to speak again, but i had a horrible stomach ache and threw up all morning.😿  Later in the day i stopped throwing up, but i was really tired and took a nap until dinner. the next day i was fine except for a cough, a sniffy nose, and a sore throat. Today i still am recovering, but i am doing better.😺  Anyway, i hope you like blankets!

Sunday, December 11, 2016


This has been a totally chaotic week, and i had hardly any time to write a blog post. I finally managed to scrap together some time to write this post and here it is! so anyway, even though i was busy all week, i had just enough time to make a Leviathan in Minecraft!
This is "Levvie", aka Bartholomew the 3rd. this took a really long time to make, considering that there is a farm, sleeping quarters, a restaurant, ribs, a stomach, a heart, and a brain! it took so long to make this, you would not believe.  But i survived! the part i am most proud of, though, is the Dorsal Fins. Those took a long time to make. (There is 3 of them!) i was so happy with my success that i made more monsters! and here they are now: two of my finest creations, the Gasbag and the Watcher!
The Gasbag is not very smart, but follows the leviathan providing light. It also uses photosynthesis to feed an can be used as a lift up to the Leviathan.
The Watcher is overparanoid and is an useful watchdog substitute. It guides the Leviathan into port and makes sure that no burglar gets in.
These are my creations. one of them is even the Art of the Week! anyway, i hope you like monsters!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Minecraft Review!

Hi guys! i was walking around and i found some pieces of broken pottery.πŸ˜• I glued them together and got this:

If you can identify this strange object, leave a comment stating your idea. Anyway, you may have noticed Minecraft on my list of favorite video games. I really like Minecraft because it allows you to roam all around the infinite Minecraft world and build tall castles, mushroom houses, ultramodern mansions, and almost anything you can imagine.
Another thing i like about Minecraft is the near-infinite amount of mods and resource packs that you can use to customize and optimize your gaming experience. There is also the different modes: Creative Mode,✏ which allows you to have infinite resources to build with. There is also Survival Mode,πŸ”¨ which makes it so you have to mine blocks and make tools to gather resources. In all, it has almost infinite possibilities and is a great game for people of all ages.😺 Anyway, i hope you like pixels!

The link for the Minecraft website:

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Christmas is coming...

Tis the season to be jolly, everyone!😸  it is only a matter of time before my christmas tree is decorated, and the clock is ticking!⏰  i had a lot of fun decorating my yard yesterday but i cant find the wooden reindeer.😿  Also, i have some art, but i need to find a way of putting it onto my computer. I made it on these artist trading cards i'm really into. They are about the size of a normal trading card, but they are blank! anyway, i have to find an iphoneπŸ“± to take the picture. i hope you like christmas trees!😸

Friday, December 2, 2016

My first post

Hi guys, welcome my Blog!😺 in this blog, i will talk about all the cool stuff i like, such as: Art, Video Games, Pets, Technology, and any other thing i find that looks like you guys should see it!😼 so if you like art, video games, or anything else cool or weird, than check up to see my weekly blogs!😸 I hope you like the cat emoji!