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Friday, December 30, 2016

The Truth?

Now, i know there are those of you who want to see what i look like in real life. Some of you, who i know in real life, already know what i look like. Now i didn't want to leave anybody out, so i have this picture to reveal the truth.😼
I know you may be wondering, why is there a mask over my face. That is because i am worried about security. Eventually you will see my real face, like say in five or six years time, and then i will tell the whole truth. but for now, lets just keep the mask over my face, ok? I entirely trust all of you, but i am worried about hackers who might find me and steal my blog. So i am doing this for the sake of the blog. I hope you understand. Anyway, i hope you like programming!

(ps. i had a very busy day yesterday so i did not have the time to write a review on gmod. sorry!😺)

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