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Sunday, December 11, 2016


This has been a totally chaotic week, and i had hardly any time to write a blog post. I finally managed to scrap together some time to write this post and here it is! so anyway, even though i was busy all week, i had just enough time to make a Leviathan in Minecraft!
This is "Levvie", aka Bartholomew the 3rd. this took a really long time to make, considering that there is a farm, sleeping quarters, a restaurant, ribs, a stomach, a heart, and a brain! it took so long to make this, you would not believe.  But i survived! the part i am most proud of, though, is the Dorsal Fins. Those took a long time to make. (There is 3 of them!) i was so happy with my success that i made more monsters! and here they are now: two of my finest creations, the Gasbag and the Watcher!
The Gasbag is not very smart, but follows the leviathan providing light. It also uses photosynthesis to feed an can be used as a lift up to the Leviathan.
The Watcher is overparanoid and is an useful watchdog substitute. It guides the Leviathan into port and makes sure that no burglar gets in.
These are my creations. one of them is even the Art of the Week! anyway, i hope you like monsters!

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