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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Has Genetic Engineering gone farther than you think?

Recently I was looking for new things to blog about, when i found this thing:

Now some of you might have heard about this, but this Dragomeleon (Dragon\Chameleon) is actually a genetically modified Umbuku Lizard, believed to be a distant relative of the Pterodactyal. They actually had the wings lying dormant in their DNA! Made on Zimbabwe, there are only 6 of these in the world. They are currently being kept away from other Umbuku because of worries about cross-breeding. Hopefully,  they make more of these in the future. I would like to see them get bigger, to! Then maybe we could have dragons?πŸ‰ Lol, that would be cool. Anyway, i hope you like scales!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Rakk's new wings!

Sometimes, sacrifices pay off. Recently, i acquired a baby dragon with malformed wings. The wings made it hard for him to fly, which he found ok at first, but later caused some problems. The problem was that he could not fly high enough off the ground to escape a dog attack, which resulted in the offending wings being torn off. he was trapped under the bed for 5 days before someone was able to rescue him. I, being artistic, jumped at the chance to make new wings! I took some photos of the finished product, and here they are!

Yeah, you want to make them. I did not think about taking pictures at the time, but i can tell you the process. First, you make the wing frame. To do that, make two obtuse triangles out of wooden skewers without the bottom on them. Then add a third skewer point somewhere around the middle. Once you have that, cut out fabric. you can attach them in any way you want, but i recommend sewing. It is a tad complicated for beginners, but easy to learn. Sorry you had to wait, and anyway, i hope you like fire!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Fungus Fair!

Hi! Recently, i have been to a Fungus Fair!πŸ„πŸ˜Έ  I love mushrooms, so i was very happy! I did some mushroom-related art and ate candy cap ice cream, having fun the whole time. I picked some truly beautiful (and tasty) mushrooms beforehand, and had bluet burgers for dinner that night. I also photographed them, for your convenience:

I also took some pictures of the mushrooms at the fungus fair. These ones are poisonous though, so watch out!😲
I had a lot of fun, but before the day was done i had made some art projects! I sculpted a mushroom sculpture and dyed silk with mushroom dye. here i have the mushroom sculpture:
It is beautiful, don't you agree? I spent a lot of time making it. It also fell apart multiple times, but in the end everything is right. Anyway, i hope you like spores!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Bobble Head Robot!

Hey everyone! I have had a totally chaotic week and did not have much time to make a blog post, so i am sorry if you had to wait. I learned how to make cool tin can robot bobble heads though! I did not document the process, so i can not tell you how to make it.😿  BUT i can show you a video of its head bobbling and what makes it bobble! This will be the first video on this blog, so if it is poor quality i am sorry because i am taking it with an iPhone. So here it is!😸

This is my video. I spent almost 3 hours riveting the cans together. I am not very patient so it was very hard. This might be a short post, but i had fun making it! Sorry for the wait. Anyway, i hope you like rivets!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

How To: Make a Bottlecap Toy!

Now as i am sure all of you know, bottle caps have many uses. One of those uses is as a hat on a small toy! A bottlecap can also be used as a hoverboard and a button if your button falls off. To make a small bottlecap toy you need: one bottlecap, one random object to use as a body, two things to use
as arms, and two things to use as legs. Hair and legs are optional.

Step one: Glue the hair to the bottlecap, and then add a body.

Step two: Apply legs and/or arms.

Step three: Add eyes if necessary.

Step four: Make more!

Once you have crafted to your heart's content, you can play with them. They all follow the same basic recipe and are fun to play with. Anyway, i hope you like felt!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Are hoverboards real?!!

I was surfing the web as usual one day, and there i saw it. a real hoverboard!πŸ™€ It was made by Lexus, a car company. I was so amazed at first until i realized, "wait a nano, ThΓ©oden, can that really be real?" So i dug a little deeper until i found out some more about it. First of all, it isn't actually going to be marketed. second of all, it is really hard to control and balance.
It turns out that it is just a prop for a car ad, so you will have to wait another 28 or so years before you can rush down to FutureTech Industries and buy one. Also, other companies are working on hoverboards, but they're not done yet. Keep waiting though, someday they will be here!😸 Anyways, i hope you like circuitry!