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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Are hoverboards real?!!

I was surfing the web as usual one day, and there i saw it. a real hoverboard!๐Ÿ™€ It was made by Lexus, a car company. I was so amazed at first until i realized, "wait a nano, Thรฉoden, can that really be real?" So i dug a little deeper until i found out some more about it. First of all, it isn't actually going to be marketed. second of all, it is really hard to control and balance.
It turns out that it is just a prop for a car ad, so you will have to wait another 28 or so years before you can rush down to FutureTech Industries and buy one. Also, other companies are working on hoverboards, but they're not done yet. Keep waiting though, someday they will be here!๐Ÿ˜ธ Anyways, i hope you like circuitry!

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