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Saturday, January 7, 2017

How To: Make a Bottlecap Toy!

Now as i am sure all of you know, bottle caps have many uses. One of those uses is as a hat on a small toy! A bottlecap can also be used as a hoverboard and a button if your button falls off. To make a small bottlecap toy you need: one bottlecap, one random object to use as a body, two things to use
as arms, and two things to use as legs. Hair and legs are optional.

Step one: Glue the hair to the bottlecap, and then add a body.

Step two: Apply legs and/or arms.

Step three: Add eyes if necessary.

Step four: Make more!

Once you have crafted to your heart's content, you can play with them. They all follow the same basic recipe and are fun to play with. Anyway, i hope you like felt!

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