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Friday, January 13, 2017

Bobble Head Robot!

Hey everyone! I have had a totally chaotic week and did not have much time to make a blog post, so i am sorry if you had to wait. I learned how to make cool tin can robot bobble heads though! I did not document the process, so i can not tell you how to make it.😿  BUT i can show you a video of its head bobbling and what makes it bobble! This will be the first video on this blog, so if it is poor quality i am sorry because i am taking it with an iPhone. So here it is!😸

This is my video. I spent almost 3 hours riveting the cans together. I am not very patient so it was very hard. This might be a short post, but i had fun making it! Sorry for the wait. Anyway, i hope you like rivets!

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