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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Fungus Fair!

Hi! Recently, i have been to a Fungus Fair!🍄😸  I love mushrooms, so i was very happy! I did some mushroom-related art and ate candy cap ice cream, having fun the whole time. I picked some truly beautiful (and tasty) mushrooms beforehand, and had bluet burgers for dinner that night. I also photographed them, for your convenience:

I also took some pictures of the mushrooms at the fungus fair. These ones are poisonous though, so watch out!😲
I had a lot of fun, but before the day was done i had made some art projects! I sculpted a mushroom sculpture and dyed silk with mushroom dye. here i have the mushroom sculpture:
It is beautiful, don't you agree? I spent a lot of time making it. It also fell apart multiple times, but in the end everything is right. Anyway, i hope you like spores!

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