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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A new Leviathan!!??

Who here remembers Levvie the Leviathan? If you do, than you remember that it was very big. But,  while it has taken a while, i have finally finished my biggest and awesomest creation, Levi the Leviathan!
Levi is much, much, bigger than his predecessor, Levvie. He also has a gondola hanging from him like on a blimp. This time, i added less human DNA, so his features are less humanoid. I thought about using shark DNA like last time, but whales are bigger so i used whale DNA. How about i show you the inside of the gondola!

This is the interior of the gondola. But wait, there's more! How about the interior of Levi!

Now this is all good, but what if you crave adventure or want to sleep somewhere without other passengers bothering you. Well if you pay, you can sleep in the Ultra First Class room-on top of the Leviathan!

Dosen't that make you want to get a ride on a gasbag and fly up there? It is cool, but it is a private world  for me and my friends only. it is, admittedly, dangerous. But anyway, i hope you like ballrooms!

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