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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Habitable planets found around a dwarf star!

Hi everyone! I have found something really epic.

Yup. I am sure that everyone saw that one. I am writing this post for the people who didn't click on it! I, myself, was curious. I hovered over it with my mouse until I got a tooltip. The tooltip said "NASA found 7 planets" or something like that.πŸŒŽπŸŒ‘πŸŒ• Wanting to find out more, I went on Twitter, went to NASA's profile, found their website, and looked around until I found out what I wanted to know. So here it is!
These planets are orbiting around a dwarf star named Trappist 1. Apparently, 3 of them are in the "Goldilocks Zone", a zone around stars where it is not to hot, and not to cold. This zone is perfect for life to grow.πŸŒ°πŸŒ±πŸŒ·πŸŒΊπŸ”†πŸ’¦ Sadly, most of the animals there are probably single-celled or masses of slime. It is "Very Unlikely" that any intelligent life will be found there.πŸ‘½πŸ˜Ό Some theories say that the planets could lose their atmospheres due to their closeness to the small star they all revolve around. Other reasons why the planets might not host life is that the sun could produce intense radiation, killing all life there and doing terrible things to the environment.😿  BUT on a nicer note, maybe it is possible for life to survive after all!😸  For one, Nature can adapt very easily. We have seen that. To avoid solar flares, the planets could start out with a shell of hydrogen in their upper atmospheres that could get blasted off with the solar flares, leaving a clean oxygen-rich atmosphere behind. And, it is possible for the planets to have magnetic fields like Earth, deflecting the radiation. So there is still a chance for alien life! πŸ‘½πŸ˜Έ  Anyways, I hope you like UFO's!

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