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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Something to know

Just so you know, my sister Ellwyn is using my google account because she does not have one of her own. Just letting you know it isn't a hoax.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Habitable planets found around a dwarf star!

Hi everyone! I have found something really epic.

Yup. I am sure that everyone saw that one. I am writing this post for the people who didn't click on it! I, myself, was curious. I hovered over it with my mouse until I got a tooltip. The tooltip said "NASA found 7 planets" or something like that.πŸŒŽπŸŒ‘πŸŒ• Wanting to find out more, I went on Twitter, went to NASA's profile, found their website, and looked around until I found out what I wanted to know. So here it is!
These planets are orbiting around a dwarf star named Trappist 1. Apparently, 3 of them are in the "Goldilocks Zone", a zone around stars where it is not to hot, and not to cold. This zone is perfect for life to grow.πŸŒ°πŸŒ±πŸŒ·πŸŒΊπŸ”†πŸ’¦ Sadly, most of the animals there are probably single-celled or masses of slime. It is "Very Unlikely" that any intelligent life will be found there.πŸ‘½πŸ˜Ό Some theories say that the planets could lose their atmospheres due to their closeness to the small star they all revolve around. Other reasons why the planets might not host life is that the sun could produce intense radiation, killing all life there and doing terrible things to the environment.😿  BUT on a nicer note, maybe it is possible for life to survive after all!😸  For one, Nature can adapt very easily. We have seen that. To avoid solar flares, the planets could start out with a shell of hydrogen in their upper atmospheres that could get blasted off with the solar flares, leaving a clean oxygen-rich atmosphere behind. And, it is possible for the planets to have magnetic fields like Earth, deflecting the radiation. So there is still a chance for alien life! πŸ‘½πŸ˜Έ  Anyways, I hope you like UFO's!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

How To: Cloakmaking -Part Two

Thank you for being patient. A blog post as long as this one and that one combined would take hours to write. Also, this part is optional, so do whatever you like. Anyways, let's start Step 1: Fold the top  of the collar (the shorter end) down and pin it in place. Sew it up in 2 horizontal lines so that a kind of odd tube is formed, and then take the pins out.

Step 2:This is the fun part. You need to use a crochet needle to pull some yarn through the hole. The yarn, depending on your neck size, should be cut 3 to 5 inches longer than the collar on each side.

At this point, I ran out of materials to make the hood. I personally recommend wearing the cloak over a hooded jacket to make the hood. If you have a sacrificial hooded jacket, you can cut the hood off and sew it on to the cloak. Anyways, here's a picture of me wearing my full Dark Mage outfit:
I think it's finally done! Anyways I hope you enjoyed the post, and I hope you like Arcane Powers!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

How To: Cloakmaking -Part One

(Assisted by James S. and Ellwyn S.)
Hi everyone! Today we have a particularly epic How To on cloakmaking! Now I know that you have missed the how-tos, so this one will be a very big one. Anyways, on to Step 1: Pin the sides of the Fabric  in place so that you cut it without loosing the desired shape.
Step 2: Cut the fabric on the pinned sides so that you get the desired shape. Keep the long triangular pieces of fabric for the hood (Optional).
Step 3: Place the Second Piece of Fabric  on the ground, and put the first on top. The first piece of fabric will act as a template. DO NOT FORGET TO PIN!
Step 4: Cut the 2nd piece of fabric so it matches the first. Keep the pins on, so you can sew it together later.
Step 5: Fold the bottom edge so that the first piece covers the second.
Step 6: Sew the cloak up, make a hole, and turn inside out.
Anyway, that's the end of Part One. Part Two coming soon!

Friday, February 17, 2017

The Surprise

You asked for it and you got it: The Surprise!😸 The surprise in this case, in fact, is the Camo Challenge! This challenge was made so that I could get in touch with more of you. πŸ˜ΊπŸ˜€I believe that I should get to know more of you, and I thought it could be fun to do so in a nice little challenge! So what are you waiting for! Check it out!😺

Thursday, February 16, 2017

A lazer keyboard?

We are so close to the 1000 pageview goal!😸 Anyway, once again I have found something while surfing the web. And once again, it is incredibly futuristic. The cool thing i found this time is, as you might have seen from the title, a Laser Keyboard. A thumbsUp! Laser Keyboard to be precise. I was immediately intrigued and delved a little deeper into the fathomless depths of the internet and found out that the laser keyboard is actually very useful! It can be connected to the computer through Bluetooth or USB and has a touchpad option, though the touchpad can be a bit glitchy. Of course, every rose has thorns, and like that, every bit of tech has downsides. One of those is that it dims and locks down the keyboard after 10 seconds of idleness to save battery power. To unlock it you just tap on it, but this can be annoying. Another downside is that it requires you to take your fingers off of one key before it can register another key. This means that it takes a nano longer to type stuff down. In total, I think it is a cool design that could use a nano improvement, but is really useful. Anyway, I hope you like lasers!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

I am living with a killer...

Recently, a new addition has been brought into the house.

Meet SeaFoam. Isn't it cute?😸 SeaFoam is a giant water bug, measuring 2.5 inches long. I found it at the beach upside down and wounded. The reason I say it instead of him or her is that I haven't found out the gender yet. It apparently has one of the most painful bites ever. Yeah. Why do i have this thing... 😹 So anyway, I hope you like venom!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A new Leviathan!!??

Who here remembers Levvie the Leviathan? If you do, than you remember that it was very big. But,  while it has taken a while, i have finally finished my biggest and awesomest creation, Levi the Leviathan!
Levi is much, much, bigger than his predecessor, Levvie. He also has a gondola hanging from him like on a blimp. This time, i added less human DNA, so his features are less humanoid. I thought about using shark DNA like last time, but whales are bigger so i used whale DNA. How about i show you the inside of the gondola!

This is the interior of the gondola. But wait, there's more! How about the interior of Levi!

Now this is all good, but what if you crave adventure or want to sleep somewhere without other passengers bothering you. Well if you pay, you can sleep in the Ultra First Class room-on top of the Leviathan!

Dosen't that make you want to get a ride on a gasbag and fly up there? It is cool, but it is a private world  for me and my friends only. it is, admittedly, dangerous. But anyway, i hope you like ballrooms!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

I am entering in the Tech Challenge!

Hi everyone! I am writing this post to tell you about my entry in the tech challenge! I am going to make a bridge-bot, which is a robot that is designed to cross gaps. It does so by unrolling itself into a bridge, connecting to the other side, and rolling itself back onto the other side. With this method, it gets to the other side without leaving any of itself behind. It also allows it to form a bridge, so that trucks full of stuff might go across. A highly efficient method, say, for transporting tech across gaps in the surface of mars. If my team does good in this challenge, it would help me get my dream job and complete my life plan!😸  Anyway, I hope you like wheels!

(I will give updates on this as it happens.)